Every year at this time, as the Director of the Virtual Center for Supernetworks at the Isenberg School of Management at UMass Amherst, I write up a Congratulations and Kudos page, which is posted on the center site. It allows the supernetwork team to look back at some of the accomplishments of the year.
For those of you who may have missed it, it is reposted below, with additional links added. Many thanks for the support and Happy New Year!
2016 was a year to remember! With this message it
gives me great pleasure as the Center Director to summarize some of the
accomplishments and achievements of the Center Associates of the Virtual
Center for Supernetworks!
The book, Competing on Supply Chain Quality: A Network Economics Perspective, co-authored by Center Associate Dong Li and me, was published in June 2016. It is the second book in the Springer Series in Supply Chain Management edited by Professor Chris Tang of UCLA. The book was nominated for LES PLUMES DES ACHATS & SUPPLY CHAIN REMISE DES PRIX DE LA SECONDE EDITION, an award given in France to the best supply chain book of the year.
Also, in 2016, the book, Dynamics of Disasters: Key Concepts, Models, Algorithms, and Insights,
co-edited by Professor Ilias S. Kotsireas, me, and Professor Panos M.
Pardalos, was published by Springer. The co-editors organized the 2015 Dynamics of Disasters conference that was held in Kalamata, Greece, and
this volume, consisting of 18 refereed chapters, contains papers
presented at the conference, along with contributions from other
experts, including several that I had hosted at the Isenberg School of
Management. The volume's contributors include both academics and
practitioners; several from the United Nations. I have two chapters in
the book, one on freight service provision, and another chapter on an
integrated disaster relief model with stochastic link costs, co-authored
with Center Associate Professor Ladimer S. Nagurney of the University
of Hartford.
Center Associate Ladimer S. Nagurney had
spent the 2015-2016 academic year on sabbatical as a Visiting Professor
at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the
University of Massachusetts Amherst.
I was very honored to be a Visiting Fellow at
All Souls College at Oxford University, considered the top university
in the world. I spent the Trinity term there (for about two and a half
months) and was one of twelve Visiting Fellows during that term
representing fields from economics to anthropology. I was provided with
an apartment, a beautiful office with a view of a fountain and garden.
There, I was able to complete several papers on supply chains, as well
as the co-editing of the Dynamics of Disasters volume. While at Oxford, I
had the chance to travel to London to see Center Associate Dr. Stavros
Siokos, Managing Partner at Astarte Capital Partners, at a special
dinner that he hosted for Professor Ladimer S. Nagurney, our daughter,
and me at the Royal Automobile Club.
Research continued not only on supply chains,
disaster relief, the Braess paradox, as well as various
Internet-related topics, including work funded on an NSF EAGER grant
that I am working on with Professor Tilman Wolf of the College of
Engineering and collaborators at the University of Kentucky. In
addition, research continues on the development of models to provide
Internet services to rural and poor regions with collaborators in
Congratulations to Center Associate Sara Saberi who successfully defended her doctoral dissertation, Network
Game Theory Models of Services and Quality Competition with
Applications to Future Internet Architectures and Supply Chains, in
2016. She is now an Assistant Professor at the Foisie School of
Business at Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) in Massachusetts.
Congratulations also to Doctoral
Student Center Associate Shivani Shukla, who successfully defended her
doctoral dissertation proposal: Game Theory for Security Investments in
Cyber and Supply Chain Networks, in October 2016. Shivani received the
Outstanding Doctoral Student Teaching Award, Isenberg School of
Management, University of Massachusetts Amherst, 2016. She also was
selected for, and took part in, the INFORMS Doctoral Student Colloquium
at the Annual Meeting in Nashville, Tennessee in November and the
Production and Operations Management Society (POMS) Doctoral Consortium,
Orlando, Florida in May. Her paper, "Multifirm Models of Cybersecurity Investment Competition vs. Cooperation and Network Vulnerability," that we co-authored was accepted for publication in the European Journal of Operational Research.
Doctoral Student Center Associate Deniz Besik
was very active as an officer of the UMass Amherst INFORMS Student
Chapter and the chapter was recognized with its 11th award, in as many
years, at the INFORMS Annual Meeting, with the Cum Laude Award.
Additionally, it was a great honor to be recognized at the INFORMS
Annual Meeting with the inaugural Distinguished Service Award from
The INFORMS conference served as a great venue
for many Center Associates to reconvene, with presenters including
Center Associates Professor Ding Zhang of SUNY Oswego, Professor Patrick
Qiang of Pennsylvania State University Great Valley, Professor Zugang
Liu of Pennsylvania State University Hazleton, Professor Trisha Anderson
of Texas Wesleyan University, Professor Amir H. Masoumi of Manhattan
College, Professor Min Yu of the University of Portland, Professor
Dmytro Matsypura of the University of Sydney in Australia, Professor
Jose M. Cruz of the University of Connecticut, Professor Dong Li of
Arkansas State University, Professor Sara Saberi, and Doctoral Student
Center Associates Shivani Shukla and Deniz Besik. It was Deniz's first
INFORMS conference.
Doctoral Student Center Associate Deniz
Besik's paper on farmers' markets and quality, co-authored with the
Center Director, will be presented at the INFORMS Computing Society conference in Austin, Texas in January 2017.
Center Associates were also prominent at the
EURO conference held in Poznan, Poland, in the summer of 2016, with
Professor Patrizia Daniele of the University of Catania in Italy
organizing sessions and also Professor Tina Wakolbinger of the Vienna
University of Economics and Business in Austria. Professor Dmytro
Matsypura also presented there. Notably, the paper: "Competitive Food
Supply Chain Networks with Application to Fresh Produce," Min Yu and
Anna Nagurney, European Journal of Operational Research 224(2): (2013) pp 273-282, was recognized in a special session there organized by the Editors of the European Journal of Operational Research
as one of two papers published in the past several years in that
journal that is highly cited and impactful. I had the pleasure of
presenting on our joint work. Also, Professor Ladimer S. Nagurney
presented on our latest work on the Braess paradox, presenting proof of
existence for electrical circuits that were constructed.
Congratulations to Center Associates:
Professor Patrick Qiang, Professor Ke Ke of Central Washington
University, Professor Trisha Anderson, and Professor June Dong of SUNY
Oswego! Their paper, "The Closed-loop Supply Chain Network with Competition, Distribution Channel Investment, and Uncertainties," published in the journal Omega in 2013 is one of the most highly cited papers in that journal over the past 5 years!
Additional congratulations to Center Associate
Professor Trisha Anderson! She was recognized with the Engaging
Educator Award from her university. The award goes to professors who go above and beyond to engage their students with research and the community.
Professor Tina Wakolbinger had a very busy
and successful year and continues as Professor of Supply Chain Services
and Networks, the Director of the Master Program in Supply Chain
Management, and Head of the Research Institute for Supply Chain
Management at the Vienna University of Economics and Business. She
serves as VP of Awards at POM College of Humanitarian Operations and
Crisis Management and is a member of the Board of the Euro Working Group
on Humanitarian Operations.
Congratulations to Center Associate Jose M.
Cruz. He continues to serve as the Executive Program Director of the
very successful Master of Science in Business Analytics and Project
Management (MSBAPM) degree program at the School of Business, University
of Connecticut. He also received a grant from the Business School to
work on global supply chains.
Below are links to examples of some of our recent publications.
Multifirm Models of Cybersecurity Investment Competition vs. Cooperation and Network Vulnerability
Anna Nagurney and Shivani Shukla, accepted for publication in the European Journal of Operational Research.
Anna Nagurney and Shivani Shukla, accepted for publication in the European Journal of Operational Research.
A Generalized Nash Equilibrium Network Model for Post-Disaster Humanitarian Relief
Anna Nagurney, Emilio Alvarez Flores, and Ceren Soylu, Transportation Research E 95: (2016), pp 1-18.
Anna Nagurney, Emilio Alvarez Flores, and Ceren Soylu, Transportation Research E 95: (2016), pp 1-18.
Physical Proof of the Occurrence of the Braess Paradox in Electrical Circuits
Ladimer S. Nagurney and Anna Nagurney, EPL (Europhysics Letters) 115 (2016) 28004.
Ladimer S. Nagurney and Anna Nagurney, EPL (Europhysics Letters) 115 (2016) 28004.
Introduction to the Volume: Dynamics of Disasters: Key Concepts, Models, Algorithms, and Insights
Ilias S. Kotsireas, Anna Nagurney, and Panos M. Pardalos, Springer International Publishing Switzerland (2016) pp i-xi.
Ilias S. Kotsireas, Anna Nagurney, and Panos M. Pardalos, Springer International Publishing Switzerland (2016) pp i-xi.
Cybersecurity Investments with Nonlinear Budget Constraints: Analysis of the Marginal Expected Utilities
Patrizia Daniele, Antonio Maugeri, and Anna Nagurney, in press in Operations Research, Engineering, and Cyber Security: Trends in Applied Mathematics and Technology, N.J. Daras and T.M. Rassias, Editors, Springer.
Patrizia Daniele, Antonio Maugeri, and Anna Nagurney, in press in Operations Research, Engineering, and Cyber Security: Trends in Applied Mathematics and Technology, N.J. Daras and T.M. Rassias, Editors, Springer.
Layered Protocol Architecture for Scalable Innovation and
Identification of Network Economic Synergies in the Internet of Things
Tilman Wolf and Anna Nagurney, Proceedings of the 2016 IEEE First International Conference on Internet-of-Things Design and Implementation (IoTDI), pp 141-151.
Tilman Wolf and Anna Nagurney, Proceedings of the 2016 IEEE First International Conference on Internet-of-Things Design and Implementation (IoTDI), pp 141-151.
Freight Service Provision for Disaster Relief: A Competitive Network Model with Computations
Anna Nagurney, in Dynamics of Disasters: Key Concepts, Models, Algorithms, and Insights, I.S. Kotsireas, A. Nagurney, and P.M. Pardalos, Eds., Springer International Publishing Switzerland (2016) pp 207-229.
Anna Nagurney, in Dynamics of Disasters: Key Concepts, Models, Algorithms, and Insights, I.S. Kotsireas, A. Nagurney, and P.M. Pardalos, Eds., Springer International Publishing Switzerland (2016) pp 207-229.
Mean-Variance Disaster Relief Supply Chain Network Model for Risk
Reduction with Stochastic Link Costs, Time Targets, and Demand
Anna Nagurney and Ladimer S. Nagurney, in Dynamics of Disasters: Key Concepts, Models, Algorithms, and Insights, I.S. Kotsireas, A. Nagurney, and P.M. Pardalos, Eds., Springer International Publishing Switzerland (2016) pp 231-255.
Anna Nagurney and Ladimer S. Nagurney, in Dynamics of Disasters: Key Concepts, Models, Algorithms, and Insights, I.S. Kotsireas, A. Nagurney, and P.M. Pardalos, Eds., Springer International Publishing Switzerland (2016) pp 231-255.
Towards Pricing Mechanisms for Delay Tolerant Services
L. Marentes, T. Wolf, A. Nagurney, and Y. Donoso, International Journal of Computers Communications & Control, 11(1): (2016) pp 77-89.
L. Marentes, T. Wolf, A. Nagurney, and Y. Donoso, International Journal of Computers Communications & Control, 11(1): (2016) pp 77-89.
Many thanks to the Supernetwork Team and to our supporters for another tremendous year!