Friday, September 11, 2009

Another Female PhD -- Time to Celebrate

Today, my doctoral student, Trisha Woolley, successfully defended her doctoral dissertation with a concentration in Management Science and a minor in Resource Economics at the Isenberg School of Management. The title of her dissertation was: Sustainable Supply Chains: Multicriteria Decision-Making and Policy Analysis for the Environment. What could be more gratifying for an educator than to have one of her own students earn a PhD. It was a pleasure to be the Chair of Dr. Woolley's dissertation committee. The other committee members were: Professor John Stranlund, Professor Bob Nakosteen, and Professor June Dong.

Dr. Woolley has already assumed her Assistant Professor position in Management at Texas Wesleyan University in Fort Worth. She is the 15th PhD student whose dissertation I have chaired. Lucky are the students who will now have Dr. Woolley as their professor.

Dr. Woolley's parents accompanied her as well as her beautiful baby daughter.

It is fantastic to have students fly on their own wings!