This morning we took part in the Graduate Commencement ceremonies at the Mullins Center since my doctoral student, Amir H. Masoumi, who successfully defended his PhD dissertation this past February, was receiving his PhD with a concentration in Management Science from the Isenberg School of Management.
The pageantry from the music to the banners and flowers to the faculty and administrators in their caps and gowns along with those receiving their Master's and PhD degrees was perfect.
This year something very special was done and I hope that it becomes part of the UMass Amherst tradition -- the dissertation advisors got to "hood" their PhD students who were receiving their degrees.
I lucked out since we ended up being seated in the first row just behind the musicians so Amir Masoumi was one of the first to go on stage. His wife, Azitha, received her Master's in Engineering, so the day was one in which to celebrate.
Our Chancellor, Dr. Kumble Subbaswamy, gave a warm and inspiring speech and we were surrounded by great feelings of accomplishment and what can be achieved through hard work.
The photos were taken this morning both at the Mullins Center and then outside -- the reception that followed had everything from yummy croissants to fresh fruit and small muffins to delicious coffee!
Congratulations to all the graduate degree recipients and this afternoon we celebrate the thousands who will be receiving their undergraduate degrees from UMass Amherst.
Thanks to all the staff members who made the ceremony flow so smoothly and efficiently.