When the invitation came to speak in Berlin, Germany, I was very intrigued especially when I heard that the conference would be interdisciplinary.
I was specifically invited to speak at the Symposium on Physics of Sustainability and Human-Nature-Interactions, which is part of the DPG (the Deutsche Physikalische Geseltschaft) Spring meeting, which will take place March 15-20, 2015 and what a program! I just received the lovely poster announcing this event, which I have posted below. I expect that the attendance will be fabulous.
Many thanks to the organizer: Professors Jens Christian Claussen, Marc Timme, and Dirk Helbing! Coincidentally, the last time that I saw Dirk was precisely at this time in Zurich, Switzerland at the fabulous ETH Risk Workshop that I blogged about.
In the meantime, I will be practicing my German.