Every year, around this time, the National Academy of Engineering (NAE) announces its newly elected members.
The below post was written prior to the 10AM announcement today and for the press release with names of newly elected 2013 NAE members, just released, click here:
The official announcement is to take place at 10AM today but I like to do research and have uncanny intuition and caught that the NAE website in its Members Directory has already posted, by name, the 2013 newly elected members.
The link to the 2013 list is here and the names are in alphabetical order.
If there is a problem with the link just click on the 2013 year and you will see the list as I did.
Congratulations to all those on the list! There are quite a few representatives from industry and a few female names on the list.
How many names do you recognize? Do you know any personally?
Last year, I wrote a post on knowing several elected to the NAE in 2012.