Yesterday we heard the good news that our paper:
had been accepted by the Editor of Computer Communication Review (CCR) for publication. We expect it to appear in the July 2014 issue.
CCR, according to its website, is the magazine of ACM SIGCOMM. ACM, as some of you may know, is the acronym for the Association for Computing Machiner, the world's largest educational and scientific computing society. SIGCOMM is the special interest group on Data Communication.
The scope of CCR is that: Technical papers accepted to CCR typically report on practical advances
or the practical applications of theoretical advances. CCR serves as a
forum for interesting and novel ideas at an early stage in their
development. The focus is on timely dissemination of new ideas that may
help trigger additional investigations. While the innovation and
timeliness are the major criteria for its acceptance, technical
robustness and readability will also be considered in the review
process. We particularly encourage papers with early evaluation or
feasibility studies.
Our paper reports on our vision for our National Science Foundation (NSF) project: Network Innovation Through Choice, which, as you can see from the names on our paper, is multiuniversity and multidisciplinary (and also multiyear). I truly enjoy working with this great team of computer scientists and electrical and computer engineers and provide the network economics and operations research and management science perspective.
In particular, we are envisioning and working on a Future Internet Architecture (FIA) and are, in fact, one of five such teams in the U.S. selected by NSF. Our FIA is called ChoiceNet.
In this paper, in the Abstract, we state that: "The Internet has been a key enabling technology for many new distributed applications and services. However, the deployment of new protocols and services in the Internet infrastructure itself has been sluggish, especially where economic incentives for network providers are unclear. In our work, we seek to develop an “economy plane” for the Internet that enables network providers to offer new network- based services (QoS, storage, etc.) for sale to customers. The explicit connection between economic relationships and network services across various time scales enables users to select among service alternatives. The resulting competition among network service providers will lead to overall better technological solutions and more competitive prices. In this paper, we present the architectural aspects of our ChoiceNet economy plane as well as some of the technological problems that need to be addressed in a practical deployment."
Also, we are delighted that our earlier paper,A Network Economic Game Theory Model of a Service-Oriented Internet with Choices and Quality Competition, Anna Nagurney, Dong Li, Tilman Wolf, and Sara Saberi, Netnomics 14(1-2): (2013) pp 1-25, which is also based on this NSF funded project was selected by ACM Computing Reviews in its list of Best of 2013. The list recognizes notable items published in computing.
Our paper was selected in the Computer Applications category and the full list can be downloaded here. Both Sara Saberi and Dong Li are my doctoral students in Management Science at the Isenberg School at UMass Amherst.
It is terrific to see interdisciplinary research making advances in what may actually be a paradigm shift!