Professor Hani S. Mahmassani, the Director of the Transportation Center at Northwestern University, and Professor David E. Boyce organized this symposium, which was very successful and generated numerous discussions and research ideas.
The below presentations, given at the Symposium, are available for download from the Transportation Center's site:
- Anna Nagurney:
Supply chain network design under profit maximization and oligopolistic competition - David Boyce:
A road network design methods revisited: expressway spacing and economic evaluation - John McDonald:
Approaches to mitigating traffic congestion: A very short survey - Yanfeng Ouyang:
Reliable facility location: from supply chain network design to traffic sensor deployment - T. John Kim:
Transportation, information and communication technologies, and future cities - Dirk Brockmann:
Multi-scale human mobility - what complex network theory can reveal - Yu (Marco) Nie:
Pricing-refunding in general transportation networks: when it works and how - Diego Klabjan:
Carbon Footprint in Logistics
Professor Boyce gave a fascinating historical perspective on road network design with applications to the Chicago area (and beyond).
Professor McDonald spoke on different means of traffic mitigation, whereas Professor Nie discussed pricing and refunding in transportation networks (both very hot topics now).
Professor Kim discussed, from his unique, international perspective, how ICT (information, communication, and transportation) technologies can assist in the problems that cities are facing.
Professor Brockmann gave a physicist's perspective on human mobility and complex network theory (a topic also of great interest to me).
Professor Klabjan spoke on the work that he is interested in regarding modeling the carbon footprint in logistics and the challenges faced by the trucking industry in determining what part of the load contributes what amount to emissions (and who, hence, should pay).
Many thanks to the symposium organizers for putting up these presentations so that anyone interested may benefit from them!