Today's supply chains may be characterized by decentralized decision-making associated with the different economic agents or by centralized decision-making. In some instances the underlying behavior may be that of competition, whereas, in other cases, cooperation is essential. Supply chains are, in fact, Complex Network Systems, and, hence, any formalism that seeks to model supply chains and to provide quantifiable insights and measures must be a system-wide one and network-based. Indeed, such crucial issues as the stability and resiliency of supply chains, as well as their adaptability and responsiveness to events in a global environment of increasing risk and uncertainty, can only be rigorously examined from the view of supply chains as network systems.
Supply chains share many of the same characteristics as other network systems; including a large-scale nature and complexity of network topology; congestion, which leads to nonlinearities; alternative behavior of users of the networks, which may lead to paradoxical phenomena (recall the well-known Braess paradox in which the addition of a new road may increase the travel time for all); possibly conflicting criteria associated with optimization (the minimization of time for delivery, for example, may result in higher emissions); interactions among the underlying networks themselves, such as the Internet with electric power networks, financial networks, and transportation and logistical networks, and the growing recognition of their fragility and vulnerability. Moreover, policies surrounding supply chain networks today may have major impacts not only economically, but also socially, politically, and security-wise.
On the other hand, increases in demand for a product, entirely new demand markets, decreases in transaction costs, new suppliers, and even new modes of transaction, and new engineering technologies may provide new opportunities for profit maximization for manufacturers, distributors, as well as retailers, and new linkages that were not previously possible.
The integration of an environmental perspective into a business context can be traced back to the 1990s, and is linked to the book, Our Common Future, also referred to as the Brundtland Report. Indeed, it has been argued that the critical next step from examinations of operations and the environment is the study of sustainability and supply chains with environmental performance being a source of reputational, competitive, and financial advantage. According to a 2007 survey sponsored by DuPont and Mohawk Industries, despite the weak economy, 65% of consumers are willing to pay an additional 8.3% for products made with renewable resources. A firm's success has been tied, in part, to the strength of its ability to coordinate and integrate activities along the entire supply chain, and to effectively implement multicriteria decision-making tools to aid in their strategic decisions.
Our approach to supply chain network sustainability incorporates several facets from the enhanced operations management of supply chains to their design and redesign. In addition, we have modeled the incorporation of policies ranging from carbon taxes to tradable pollution permits in electric power supply chain networks as well as in transportation networks. Our emphasis is on the development of transparent computable frameworks that enable decision makers and policy makers to investigate how changes in policies, which can include the addition or removal of supply chain nodes and links, and the inclusion of lower-emitting production and storage technologies, will impact the product flows, as well as the product prices, and emissions generated.
Moreover, our perspective on sustainability also captures waste management issues from electronic recycling networks to health care supply chains, such as blood supply chains, medical nuclear supply chains, and even pharmaceutical ones. An essential aspect of our research is the incorporation of economics, behavioral, engineering, and management principles and components in order to capture the complexity and realities of today's supply chains.
Below we highlight three application domains in which our supply chain research has attempted to address major challenges.

In Liu and Nagurney (2009), we developed an electric power supply chain network model with fuel supply markets that captures both the economic network transactions in energy supply markets and the physical network transmission constraints in the electric power network. The model was applied to the New England electric power supply chain, which consists of 6 states, 5 fuel types, 82 power generators, with a total of 573 generating units, and 10 demand market regions. The empirical case study revealed that the regional electric power prices simulated by the model matched the actual electricity prices in New England very closely. We also computed the electric power prices and the spark spread, an important measure of the power plant profitability, when the natural gas and oil price were varied. The empirical examples demonstrated that, in the case of New England, the market/grid-level fuel competition has become the principal factor that affects the influence of the oil price on the natural gas price. We also applied the model to investigate how changes in the demand for electricity influence the electric power and the fuel markets from a regional perspective. The theoretical framework can be applied to other regions and multiple electricity markets under deregulation.

Apart from the cost management pressures and challenges, the safety of imported / outsourced products is another major issue for pharmaceutical companies. In fact, the emergence of counterfeit products has resulted in major reforms in the relationships among various tiers in pharmaceutical supply chains. Interestingly, more than 80% of the ingredients of drugs sold in the US are made overseas, mostly in remote facilities located in China and India that are rarely – if not ever – visited by government inspectors. Supply chains of generic drugs, which account for 75% of the prescription medicines sold in the US, are, typically, more susceptible to falsification with the supply chains of some of the over-the-counter products, such as vitamins or aspirins, also vulnerable to adulteration. Similarly, the amount of counterfeit drugs in the European pharmaceutical supply chains has considerably increased.
Another pressure faced by pharmaceutical firms is the environmental impact of their medical waste, which includes the expired or excess medicine by a hospital or pharmacy and the inappropriate disposal on the retailer/consumer end. Abundant amounts of unused or expired drugs have been found in American drinking water supplies due to improper disposal of unused or expired pharmaceuticals in domestic trash or in the waste water.
Our computable pharmaceutical supply chain network model includes both brand differentiation and perishability of pharmaceuticals whether through loss of quality over time, or even pilferage. Ongoing research includes the assessment of the quantification of the impact of product shortages and the resolution of such shortages.
With rigorous operations research models we can enhance decision making and policy making to enable the better utilization of our resources for supply chains now and in the future.
Further Readings
Cruz, J. M., 2008. Dynamics of Supply Chain Networks with Corporate Social Responsibility Through Integrated Environmental Decision-making. European Journal of Operational Research 184: pp 1005-1031.
Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs and the Adaptation Advisory Committee, 2011. Massachusetts Climate Change Adaptation Report.
Ganeshan, R., T. Boone, and V. Jayaraman, 2011. Sustainable Supply Chains: Models, Methods and Policy. Springer, New York, in press.
Liu, Z., and A. Nagurney, 2009. An Integrated Electric Power Supply Chain and Fuel Market Network Framework: Theoretical Modeling with Empirical Analysis for New England. Naval Research Logistics 56: pp 600-624.
Masoumi, A. H., M. Yu, and A. Nagurney, 2011. A Supply Chain Generalized Network Oligopoly Model for Pharmaceuticals Under Brand Differentiation and Perishability.
Nagurney, A., 2006. Supply Chain Network Economics: Dynamics of Prices, Flows, and Profits. Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, England.
Nagurney, A., and K. K. Dhanda, 2000. Marketable Pollution Permits in Oligopolistic Markets with Transaction Costs. Operations Research 43: pp 424-435.
Nagurney, A., Z. Liu, and T. Woolley, 2006. Optimal Endogenous Carbon Taxes for Electric Power Supply Chains with Power Plants. Mathematical and Computer Modelling 44: pp 899-916.
Nagurney, A., A. H. Masoumi, and M. Yu, 2011. Supply Chain Network Operations Management of a Blood Banking System with Cost and Risk Minimization. Computational Management Science, in press.
Nagurney, A., and L. S. Nagurney, 2010. Sustainable Supply Chain Network Design: A Multicriteria Perspective. International Journal of Sustainable Engineering 3: pp 189-197.
Nagurney, A., and L. S. Nagurney, 2011. Medical Nuclear Supply Chain Design: A Tractable Network Model and Computational Approach.
Nagurney, A., and Q. Qiang, 2009. Fragile Networks: Identifying Vulnerabilities and Synergies in an Uncertain World. John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, New Jersey.
Nagurney, A., and M. Yu (2011), Sustainable Fashion Supply Chain Management Under Oligopolistic Competition and Brand Differentiation, International Journal of Production Economics, Special Issue on Green Manufacturing and Distribution in the Fashion and Apparel Industries, in press.
Nagurney, A., M. Yu, and Q. Qiang, Supply Chain Network Design for Critical Needs with Outsourcing. Papers in Regional Science 90: (2011) pp 123-142.
Qiang, Q., A. Nagurney, and J. Dong, 2009. Modeling of Supply Chain Risk Under Disruptions with Performance Measurement and Robustness Analysis. In Managing Supply Chain Risk and Vulnerability: Tools and Methods for Supply Chain Decision Makers, T. Wu and J. Blackhurst, Editors, Springer, Berlin, Germany, pp 91-111.