Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Presentation at the 2012 ACM SIGCOMM Conference in Helsinki, Finland

One of the best aspects of our National Science Foundation (NSF) project "Collaborative Research: Network Innovation Through Choice," is the numerous discussions that the investigators have been having. We (UMass Amherst, NCState, the University of Kentucky, and RENCI) have regular teleconferences and groups of us have met face to face at our respective institutions and at NSF events.

The discussions that we have had on our project are always stimulating and it is interesting to see how well we can communicate even though we represent different disciplines. I must admit I get a special thrill when I hear terms that I often use in my network and supply chain research being used by computer scientists and engineers such as: perishable to robustness to network vulnerability to most efficient routing to, of course, a lot of network economics terms. I have been working with two doctoral students on modeling the behavior of the interactions among the decision-makers on what we are calling the economy plane.

Next week is the 2012 ACM SIGCOMM Conference, which will be taking place in Helsinki, Finland.

SIGCOMM is the flagship annual conference of the ACM (Association for Computing Machinery) Special Interest Group on Data Communication (SIGCOMM) on the applications, technologies, architectures, and protocols for computer communication.

My colleague from UMass Amherst, Professor Tilman Wolf of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, will be presenting our joint poster paper,  Choice as a Principle of Network Architecture at this conference.

Professor Wolf is the PI on this project and I am the Co-PI (for the UMass Amherst contingent).

Our project, which is called Choicenet is one of the five NSF Future Internet Architecture projects, which is very cool and fascinating.