Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Latest News from the Supernetwork Center @IsenbergUMass

It's a very exciting time to be an operations researcher and analytics professional with so many fascinating problems to work on and to contribute to the solution of.

I have been so lucky to have had and to continue to have such fabulous students, both graduate and undergraduate ones, as well as collaborators from around the globe.

Much of our research is done through the Virtual Center of Supernetworks that I founded back in 2001.

What makes me so proud is the successes of my students, both present and former! It's always a delight to receive email messages or a phone call in which they share with me their accomplishments and, of course, to also share good news face to face!

Quite a few of my former PhD students are now Center Associates of the Supernetwork Center and, three times a year, we produce its newsletter -  The Supernetwork Sentinel.

We are pleased to report that the Summer 2015 edition of The Supernetwork Sentinel is now online and it reports news from the Center since the Winter 2015 edition and until the beginning of July. The newsletter can be downloaded here from the Supernetwork Center website.

 All the editions of The Supernetwork Sentinel, going back to the Fall of 2003, can be accessed here.

Collaborations are key to solving tough problems and I am so grateful for my wonderful Supernetwork Team.