Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Congrats to Our Isenberg School PhD Students in Management Science!

Today was the first day of the new 2014-2015 academic year at UMass Amherst and it was great to see so many students back on campus!

The energy that the students bring to campus is fabulous!

After teaching my undergraduate Logistics & Transportation class, where we experienced, for the first time, a power failure as to the computer technology - no problem - I used the blackboard to introduce the course and syllabus, the good news arrived!

I always say that good news comes in "threes"!

Today, we heard that 3 of our doctoral students in Management Science, all of whom were nominated to attend the 2014 INFORMS doctoral colloquium, which will take place, beginning with a dinner on Friday, November 6, and ending with an all-day affair on Saturday, November 7, 2014, were selected for participation!

The doctoral colloquium takes place immediately before our Annual. INFORMS meeting in San Francisco in November.

Congratulations to Dong "Michelle" Li, who is my doctoral student, working on supply chain competition in quality, to Heng Chen, who is working with Professor Senay Solak, and to Tulay Varol, who is working with our PhD Area Coordinator, Professor Ahmed Ghoniem.

Our Management Science PhD students rock!

Thanks to INFORMS for creating this valuable professional opportunity for our PhD students.

The Isenberg School of Management has a long tradition of its students in Management Science being selected for the INFORMS doctoral colloquium and all who have participated have greatly benefited from and enjoyed the experience. Thank you, INFORMS, for being such an outstanding professional society!