I am delighted to announce that the 2011 SBP conference program, along with tutorial information, and keynotes, is now posted online on the conference website.
The program committee has worked very hard and the conference speaker lineup is terrific. I might add that this conference has single track talks and all the talks are based on rigorously reviewed papers, which will appear in a Springer Proceedings volume, which is now in press.
The Keynote speakers and their keynotes are:
Kimberly Thompson
Kid Risk, Inc.
Using Models to Inform Policy: Insights from Modeling the Complexities of Global Polio Eradication
- March 29, 8:30-9:15am
Peter Cramton
University of Maryland
Medicare Auctions: A Case Study of Market Design in Washington, DC
- March 29, 1:00-1:45pm
Herbert Gintis
Central European University and the Santa Fe Institute
Agent-based Models of Complex Dynamical Systems of Market Exchange
- March 30, 1:00-1:45pm
Sarit Kraus
Bar-Ilan University and University of Maryland
Agents that Negotiate Proficiently with People
- March 31, 8:15-9:00am
Tutorial, March 28, 8:30am–12:30pm:
Toolkits for Computational Social Science: Using Honest Signals to Predict and Shape Human Responses
Alex `Sandy' Pentland, MIT
Tutorial, March 28, 2:00–5:30pm:
Social Network Analysis of Personal and Group Networks
Allen Tien, Medical Decision Logic
Chris McCarty, University of Florida Survey Research Center
Eric C Jones, University of North Carolina-Greensboro
Tutorial, March 28, 2:00–5:30pm:
Behavioral Informatics: Data Management and Mining Techniques Enabling Computational Behavioral Science Jaideep Srivastava, University of Minnesota | ||
Come and learn about topics ranging from health issues via Twitter to optimization-based influencing of village social networks in counterinsurgencies to location privacy protection on social networks and even to promoting coordination for disaster relief -- from crowdsourcing to coordination!
There will also be cross-fertilization roundtables.
Registration will soon be open!