In my previous post, I highlighted the Mathematics and Collective Behavior Symposium and discussions at the AAAS meeting taking in Washington DC. The theme of the AAAS Meeting this year is Science Without Borders.
It was really nice to see that there were other operations researchers at the AAAS meeting. Dr. Karen Smilowitz of Northwestern University stopped by before the symposium that I was speaking at to say hello so we took the photo above. Smilowitz had organized a symposium with Dr. Ozlem Ergun of Georgia Tech., entitled: Doing Good with Good O.R, which took place yesterday afternoon.
Today, the newly elected AAAS Fellows will be inducted at the meeting in DC, and one of my colleagues at UMass Amherst, who is also a neighbor of mine, the chemist Dr. Sankaran "Thai" Thayumanavan, is in this deserving group.
And as I stated in my previous post, the forsythia were blooming in DC -- see bottom photo above, taken on February 18, 2011 outside the hotel that I stayed at -- the Morrison Clark, which is a converted mansion and is a historical hotel -- simply fabulous and within a few blocks of the Washington Convention Center, the venue for the AAAS meeting this year.
I hope to be able to participate in other AAAS meetings in the future!