The deadline for abstract submissions is fast approaching and it is February 18, 2011!
The committee that is organizing this conference is terrific with Dr. Hari Balasubramanian of the College of Engineering at UMass Amherst as the Chair and Dr. Les Servi of MITRE and Dr. Tamas Terlaky of Lehigh University as the Program Co-Chairs!
Dr. Servi has already confirmed that Dr. Brenda Dietrich of IBM will be giving one of the plenary talks. She is the Vice President of Business Analytics and Mathematical Sciences, which is part of the IBM Research Divisions. She is also an INFORMS Fellow. It will be great to welcome Dr. Dietrich back to UMass Amherst.
We have gotten terrific support for this conference from the University of Massachusetts Amherst from the Isenberg School of Management, the College of Engineering, and even the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research and Engagement, so thanks to all!!!
I am putting together the Network cluster of sessions and I am pleased to report that Dr. Zugang Liu has already organized the Risk Management: Interfaces between Finance and Operations session, which includes the following presentations:
Supply Chain Outsourcing Under Exchange Rate Risk and Competition | ||
Presenting Author: | Zugang Liu Assistant Professor of Business Administration Pennsylvania State University 76 University Dr Hazleton PA 08071 United States of America ZXL23@PSU.EDU | |
Co-Author: | Anna Nagurney John F. Smith Memorial Professor UMass Amherst Department of Finance and Operations Mgt Isenberg School of Management Amherst MA 01003 United States of America nagurney@gbfin.umass.edu | |
Title: | Risk Reducation and Cost Synergy in Mergers and Acquisitions via Supply Chain Network Integration | |
Presenting Author: | Anna Nagurney John F. Smith Memorial Professor UMass Amherst Department of Finance and Operations Mgt Isenberg School of Management Amherst MA 01003 United States of America nagurney@gbfin.umass.edu | |
Co-Author: | Zugang Liu Assistant Professor of Business Administration Pennsylvania State University 76 University Dr Hazleton PA 08071 United States of America ZXL23@PSU.EDU | |
Title: | The Effects of Social Relationship on Supply Chain Networks Risk and Transaction Cost | |
Presenting Author: | Jose Cruz Assistant Professor of Operations Management University of Connecticut School of Business 2100 Hillside Road Storrs CT 06268 United States of America Jose.Cruz@business.uconn.edu | |
Title: | Econometric Measures of Systemic Risk in the Finance and Insurance Sectors | |
Presenting Author: | Mila Getmansky Sherman University of Massachusetts Amherst MA United States of America msherman@som.umass.edu | |
Co-Author: | Monica Billio University of Venice Venice Italy billio@unive.it | |
Co-Author: | Andrew Lo MIT Cambridge MA United States of America alo@mit.edu | |
Co-Author: | Loriana Pelizzon University of Venice Venice Italy pelizzon@unive.it | |