How can one not love Paris?!
When I received the invitation to deliver a keynote at the 2011 International Conference on Network Games, Control and Optimization (NetGCOOP) that would be taking place in Paris, France, I had to say "yes."
Not only was the theme of the conference of great interest to me but the venue was as well. Given the number of conferees that came from the US and even from Japan, others felt the same.
I must say that I enjoyed the conference, which took place October 12-14, 2011, very much (see some photos above taken at the conference) and especially the talks and the discussions. I even got to meet some scholars whose work I had cited but had never met in person. Plus, I came back with new research ideas.
I also had a great time giving my keynote on Grand Challenges and Opportunities in Supply Chain Network Analysis and Design and, since several conferees have asked for it, my slides may be downloaded, in pdf format, here.
Many thanks to the organizers for putting together such interesting speakers and presentations. I look forward to reading the conference proceedings.