The talks were wide-ranging (from mobile phones, to the diffusion of ideas via Facebook, to supply markets and financial markets and volatility, to honest signals, organizations, and productivity, among others) and there was an appreciation for discussions. Also, there were poster sessions. We even met a few members of the operations research community.
Quite a few of the talks were on data-driven topics, whereas our talk focused on optimization and network design, and redesign with an emphasis on critical needs products, such as vaccines, medicines, and food and water supplies for humanitarian operations in the case of disasters.
We were delighted to come across Professor Rae Zimmerman of NYU, who works on network vulnerability, climate science, and cybersecurity at the conference and got a chance to reflect with her even on regional science. We also spoke with Professor Satish Ukkusuri of Purdue University. Given the contributions to networks from the operations research community going back to the 1940s, it is important that that scientific literature, whose applications have impacted transportation, telecommunications, finance, and even supply chains, both in theory and practice, be represented, in the newer "network science" literature.